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Mind Blowing #00003.jpg

PFP, Ai, Research


Hi. I am Ansh.

Creating non fungible tokens (NFTs) exploring augmented reality,

ai-art, generative art, animation and interactive art.

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recently collected 

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Augmented Reality

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Explore   Collections

I have been in a space of creating with research in multiple disciplines and the following collections are a selected series of art that has been produced with complete honesty.

Thank you for being here.

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Mind Blowing 

Artificial Intelligence

A world of artificial intelligence generative beyond ours building on the information that exists, further adding its own learnings to broaden minds in appearance.

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Now in Colour

Generative Art

This series is about blowing our colours and identities out of proportions. Each piece is a research into a new perspective adding to the animate within us in a generative representation.

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Augmented Reality

A world of Characters to break realities into an alternate one.Opening up conversations of society and self. 

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Chromatic Flux

Light art

Chromatic Flux is a collective study in abstract story-telling using holographic visual morphing into characters that represent colour and form in an ecstatic representation.

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